Preston Kelley

Preston Kelley

Preston appears to be the slowest of the known children to hit milestones. At the age of 27 months he is only beginning to sit independently for longer then 30 seconds. His only word is "mama". His is significantly delayed in all areas by 65-80 percent. His hypotonia at birth was very severe and he could not even lift his arms against gravity. He is primarily fed via g-tube, taking only small amounts of liquid and purees by mouth. He had significant hypoglycemia for the first 9 months of life. He was treated with diazoxide and we had to check his blood sugar every 3 hours. He also was fed on a strict schedule to prevent his blood sugar from dropping which further complicated our feeing problem. Preston receives PT, OT, feeding therapy, & speech therapy. We have started the process of getting augmentative communication therapy as well and cognitive and behavioral therapy.